วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

I Searched for Passive Income All My Life!

I Searched for Passive Income All My Life!

Dr. Majdi Obaid, 42, is a Bahraini. He is one of the highest-paid motivational speakers in the Middle East.

He worked as a financial controller, the youngest one to ever be hired, for the government of Bahrain. He taught in universities. For more than 11 years, he had been looking for passive income. He spent millions (in Thai baht) in efforts to earn passive income in many businesses, including investments in real estate, stocks, franchises, and many others. But he could not find a way to create income that was truly passive. However, in less than four months with Unicity, he achieved his financial freedom.

He said that for the first 10 years of his career, he worked as a civil servant, having graduated with a degree in accounting. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in leadership. He made a lot of money from government employment. Following that decade, he changed his life to become a business owner. He conducted Personal Development as a trainer and learned from the world’s leading gurus, most of whom came from the US, such as Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Stephen Covey, Tom Peters, Paul Zane Pilzer, and many others.

Whoever it was, he took courses with them and learned important lessons about management, finance, administration, leadership, and wealth.What follows is the story of Dr. Obiad’s highly successful life on his own account told to the audience at UPS Seminar, September 5, 2015, IMPACT Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand.

I could make in a day up to US $5,000 (Bt180,000) or a minimum of $30-50,000 (Bt1-1.8 million) per month.

I studied and learned everything about passive income from every angle. Eventually I even taught it. In 2005, I wrote up a plan to secure my financial freedom. I followed what Anthony Robbins told me. I wrote down everything I wanted. If my plan succeeded, I would have financial freedom in eight years.

In 2012, I took the same course again with Tony Robbins, Financial Planning, to earn passive income, but I still did not have any. Somebody told me to invest in a franchise, so I followed his advice.

Someone else told me I had to write books, and I followed his advice. My books became bestsellers, but until then I had no return on my investment in the books.

Three years ago, another person told me to invest in Internet marketing. I created nine websites, but I got zero earnings in return.

I was also told to go into the stock market. I invested my money in a mutual fund and expected to earn millions. Instead, the stock market crashed in 2008.
I was disappointed and gave up on earning passive income, telling myself that it’s only wishful thinking, that it’s not real, that it’s not true. I gave up searching and went back to active income employment.

More work, more stress, less life

I found that the more you earn, the expenses you incur. People at the middle-income level find that their expenses go up faster than what they earn. I was getting more and more stressful with what I did. I could not manage my stress.

I have four children. I rarely saw them. I traveled a lot. My youngest ones are twins, and they didn’t even know me. One day I broke my ankle. I could not walk, and my active income stopped.

Wake-up call
My former boss gave me a call. He said he had a project about health, and knew that I loved taking vitamins and other nutritional supplements. When I realized he was talking about Network Marketing, I told myself: what?! I would waste my time for sure. My former boss introduced me to Khun Paul-Pattarapon (one of Thailand’s most famous actors). Paul who? I had no idea. Who’s he?

For me, some good things come from the USA, but my former boss told me this was from Thailand! Thailand? OMG Thailand! When he started talking about the principle of Cashflow Quadrant (Robert T. Kiyosaki’s,
Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant), I told him that I knew about the book. He told me I could make $30,000. I said I already earn that. He said this project was about passive income, not active income. I turned to my boss and said, “Do you believe this guy? I taught that in universities before!”

I told myself that the passive income he was describing was about selling stuff: going out and presenting stuff to people. And the people I learned from had said that Network Marketing produced only side income. I have a lot of friends in this kind of business and they still run around selling stuff.

My former boss told me that if I did not believe him, he would take me to see the people who make money in amounts with a lot of zeros in their numbers. I like numbers with lots of zeros. He told me that I could retire early, so I came to a USP Seminar here three years ago (in 2012). What I saw and what I felt…oh, it was like being reborn!

I found over 20,000 people there. I thought, this must be an annual gathering, but I was wrong. My former boss told me this was their monthly event. Oh. My. God!

He also told me that these people bought tickets by themselves to attend the meeting. Then I found a young guy on the stage: Khun Mam-Chairuch. He told the audience he had little work experience, but he now drives a Lamborghini. He said he was 28 years old and had just bought a BMW for his wife. Oh, all I got for my wife for the past 20 years were flowers. He also said he was not the only one who had earned these results. There were hundreds of people like him here. OMG!

I looked at myself. I spent 19 years and lots of money. I spent $5 million for that franchise and many more businesses just to earn income without having to work.

But here in Thailand, I found many young people: just 18 or 19 years old with financial freedom. It’s like they just got a toy! Passive income for them was just like a toy! How come? OMG! I thought, it’s unbelievable. There’s no logic to this project. I did not believe it was happening. Here people learn with Unipower for about six months, and they could drive a Mercedes-Benz! What’s  the logic behind this?

Learning with Unipower
I thought I was already rich. I thought I was already smart. But I came here to learn about Unipower. I got home and built my organisation. I spent only five months to become a fully qualified Presidential Director (earning a minimum Bt300,000 per month). In only seven months, I moved up the ranks to Presidential Sapphire (earning a minimum Bt500,000 per month). I have many people following me, with teams from
Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, and most of other Middle East countries.

Now I no longer spend my time working to earn active income, and I can buy my wife a BMW. Unipower is the ultimate money-making machine! Unipower is the ultimate business school. Unipower can help people earn income and help the poor acquire a better life by ridding the world of poverty.

I believe massive success is t
he greatest revenge.

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Compiled and Written by YM
for reprint @copyright 2016